What Does it Take to Be an Online Rockstar
JVZoo is an amazing resource for entrepreneurs to turn their knowledge into digital products and recruit hundreds or thousands in their field to promote those products. Whether you are a
business consultant, lawyer, real estate agent, or even someone who knows how to build the perfect birdhouse, JVZoo allows you to put your knowledge into a format that can be sold and
profited from. While the rest of the world looks for jobs, JVZoo’s members create their own.
In the three years that JVZoo has been around, it’s members have generated over $100 million in sales revenue. Our members are mainly people who started making money online as a part-time
Rockstars of JVZoo is a compilation of case studies, written by people just like you, people who listened to their inner voices and created jobs for themselves. Everything you are about to
read in this book has been achieved by ordinary people who did that one thing that separates entrepreneurs from the rest of society: they took action.