"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grace’s Guide and the host of The Grace Helbig Show on E! comes a beautifully illustrated, tongue-in-cheek book about style that lampoons
fashion and beauty guides while offering practical advice in GraceHelbig’s trademark sweet and irreverent voice. It’s clear to see I’m a style icon; remember, you can’t spell icon without
"con." Grace Helbig doesn’t want to tell anyone how they should dress, how they should do their hair or makeup, or even which dogpoop bags to purchase--because surprisingly, Target has numerous
options for that too! While Grace doesn’t claim to be stylish or polished, she is very self-aware and perceptive. Trendy? She’d rather have fun trying. She loves fashion as much as the next
lady, man, or French bulldog, but telling others how they should look doesn’t suit her. Instead, with Grace & Style, Grace takes us into her closet and shares her silly and practical
approach to style--which obviously includes an entire chapter on sweatpants. One part parody, one part fashion fun, and one part personal experience, Grace’s latest guide to life as a woman in
America today is more H&M than Chanel. So tighten your Banana Republic belt a few notches and learn how to pretend and convince everyone around you that you’ve got style and grace!"--