Graphic Design for Fashion: Fashion Exposed: Graphics, Promotion and Advertising / Promocion, publicidad y moda / Promotion, pub
$1,225 -
Takeaway Food Packaging Now
$1,390 -
The One Show
$2,800 -
Logolounge 9: 2,000 International Identities by Leading Designers
$1,400 -
Symbols: A Handbook for Seeing
$1,400 -
Optical Illusions / Les illusions d’optique / ilusiones opticas: La Magie Du Graphisme / La Magia Del Diseno Grafico
$2,098 -
Feed Me!
$1,390 -
The Art of Joseph Leyendecker
$1,398 -
$551 -
Fashion Design Techniques: The Basics and Practical Application of Fashion Illustration
$875 -
Oliviero Toscani: More Than Fifty Years of Magnificent Failures
$2,098 -
Structural Packaging Art
$1,148 -
Colour Psychology Today
$768 -
Graphic Design Rants and Raves: Bon Mots on Persuasion, Entertainment, Education, Culture, and Practice
$700 -
Creating a Brand Identity: A Guide for Designers
$867 -
Thinking Trademarks, Symbols and Logotypes: Design by Thinking
$875 -
Rhetoric of Logos: A Primer for Visual Language
$1,048 -
Color Code Branding & Identity
$2,098 -
Charm, Belligerence & Perversity: The Incomplete Works of GBH
$1,575 -
Gift and Shopping Bag Designs