GRE® Complete 2016 is the ultimate in comprehensive self-study for the GRE. This prep system includes our 3 best-selling, highly rated GRE prep books, and rich mobile-enabled
online resources—with thousands of practice questions and detailed explanations.
GRE® Complete 2016 comes with 1-year access to an online center that includes practice tests, Quiz Bank®,
and videos, as well as in-depth strategies, test information, and practice questions to help you score higher on the GRE.
New for the 2016 edition: Kaplan’s
GRE Premier 2016 contains more targeted instruction across the different Quant and Verbal question types and content, plus new questions and
GRE® Complete 2016 features:
- 3,000+ practice questions with detailed explanations covering the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing sections,, including brand new questions and explanations for this edition
- 6 full-length practice tests (5 realistic Multi-Stage Tests available online and 1 in the book)
- 1,500+ question online Quiz Bank®, for customized quiz creation and review of GRE practice questions, $99.00 value
- Kaplan’s best-selling GRE Premier 2016; GRE Math Workbook, 9th Edition; andGRE Verbal Workbook, 8th Edition, $79.97 value
- Mobile-enabled online resources: study anywhere on any device with an internet connection
- Online study plans: learn how to make the most of your time, no matter how much or little time you have until Test Day
- DVD on stress management, study planning, and the graduate school application process
- Academic support from Kaplan faculty via our Facebook® page: facebook.com/KaplanGradPrep
Kaplan guarantees that if you study with these books, DVD, and online resources, you will score higher on the GRE—or you’ll receive a full refund.
*electronic devices not included