花椰菜「綠」 男孩 = 「綠」巨人浩克二世 = 超級英雄+ 各式精彩冒險
Rory Rooney 是個極為杞人憂天的孩子,他最喜歡的書為 《免緊張萬用手冊》,手冊中教導你在任何情況下,都能做好準備免緊張。 內容包括當你遇見獅子攻擊時該怎麼辦,當社會的法律失效,社會失序時該如何應對,還有,遇到校園霸凌時應該怎麼做,答案沒什麼新鮮 : 就是告訴父母或大人。顯而易見的是,這招一點用都沒有 (哭),所以當大塊頭Grim
Komissky持續欺負他並照常搶吃他午餐 (當天菜單: 嗆辣三明治+特製核桃巧克力餅乾) 而差點喪命時, R才發現G有對堅果過敏的家族史 (誰會知道啊)。
一次校外教學,大塊頭二號和三號為了幫G復仇, 遂將R丟入河中, R 從此變成 「綠」 男孩。 當大家紛紛走避,科學家也查不出原因時, R竟然發現,會“變色”的原來還另有其人…
綠色除了是花椰菜的顏色外 (一點也不酷啊),綠色會不會還暗藏其他更神祕的意義呢? 呃,例如,超級英雄系列內的「綠」巨人浩克和「綠」惡魔也是綠色的耶! 那我們會不會剛好是綠巨人浩克的後代呢? 如果是的話,那就會超酷超好玩的啦!!
Find out why it's not easy being green in the hilarious story from Frank Cottrell Boyce: The Astounding Broccoli Boy! Illustrated throughout by Steven Lenton.
Rory Rooney likes to be prepared for all eventualities. His favourite book is Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared, and he has memorized every page of it. He could even survive a hippo attack. He
knows that just because something is unlikely doesn't mean it won't ever happen . . .
But Rory isn't prepared when he suddenly and inexplicably turns green.
Stuck in an isolation ward in a hospital far from home with two other remarkably green children, Rory's as confused by his new condition as the medics seem to be.
But what if it's not in their genes, or a virus, or something they ate? What if turning green actually means you've turned into a superhero?
Rory can't wait to make it past hospital security and discover exactly what his superpower might be . . .
The Astounding Broccoli Boy is an irreverently funny adventure from the Carnegie Medal winning author of Millions, Frank Cottrell Boyce.