Growing Organic Berries: Exactly How to Grow, Maintain & Preserve Every Type of Berry to Support a Healthy Lifestyle

Growing Organic Berries: Exactly How to Grow, Maintain & Preserve Every Type of Berry to Support a Healthy Lifestyle
NT $ 315
  • 作者:AdamHolmes
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2014-08-15
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1500816108
  • ISBN13:9781500816100
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 15.2 x 22.9 x 0.4 cm / 普通級


#1 Amazon Bestseller: Step-by-Step Organic Berry Growing Guide For Beginners & Veterans

A proven, simple to follow guide that will teach you How To Easily Grow Any Type of Berry Organically In Any Environment!

No longer is organic food viewed as simply a fad, trend or a marketing technique. There is a multitude of scientific evidence to support the nutritional benefits of consuming organic fruits and vegetables as opposed to their pesticide and genetically altered counterparts. In this book I will go step-by-step through the process of growing berries naturally and organically, from choosing which type will work best for your intended growing location, to how to store the leftovers to be fresh for months to come. I’ll be honest with you, the process is MUCH EASIER THAN YOU THINK. With this book as your guide, you’ll be able to easily supplement your diet with fresh and organic berriesALL YEAR LONG.

Never again will your body have to suffer the negative repercussions of ingesting GMOs and pesticide ridden produce. Let me help you take the middle man out of the equation and bring the farmers market right into your kitchen.Close your eyes and imagine this, fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries waiting on your kitchen counter for you every morning. Sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not, its possible and honestly, it is not that difficult. I have been growing all types of vegetables, herbs and fruit in realistically everywhere possible for years. I have taught my techniques to so many other people, many of whom have never even owned gardening gloves and now they provide their whole family with fresh berries for the entire year.

On top of all of that, think about the financial benefits! In addition to taking ingredients harmful to your body out of the equation, it will also leave you with more money in your pocket.Growing your own fruit and vegetables will cost you a quarter of what you would spend for the same quality products at organic food store or a farmers market.You can even take what you grow and make your own stand at the farmer’s market if you wanted to monetize your new skill set.

What are you waiting for? Take advantage of this step-by-step guide and start growing organic berries now! You’ll be sorry you didn’t start sooner.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn...

  • Differences Between The Types of Berries You Can Grow Along With Their Optimal Growing Conditions
  • Which Location To Choose That Will MAXIMIZE Growth and Longevity
  • PROVEN Methods of Maintaing your Berry Growth In Any Type Environment
  • Little Known Ways To DOUBLE Berry Production Without Spending a Dime
  • The BEST Storing Methods For Your Berries For Longterm Freshness
  • Much, much more!

Our Personal Guarantee

We are so confident that methods outlined in this book will help you successfully grow organic berries that If you are not fully satisfied with your results, simply let us know and we will provide a 100% full refund. That’s right, a100% Money-Back Guarantee! What reason do you have to not give this book a try?

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