This is a science-based, edited collection of 18 essays on wellbeing, finding meaning, and the practical aspects of making a good life. A main theme is that life stress in general is on the
increase, caused by mounting and conflicting pressures at work and at home. Recent research on how to deal with stress has resulted in a number of effective strategies and tactics. In Part I,
on the area of individual wellbeing, approaches include “otherish” behavior, which is proactively and strategically helping others; managing perfectionism; and developing personal resilience.
Writers in Part II, Family and Extra-Work Experiences and Activities,” examine helping fathers flourish; juggling family and career; an intervention for early parenting that promotes
work-family enrichment; and balancing employment, childcare and eldercare. Part III, “Work and Career Experiences and Activities,” has chapters on managing workaholism, mindfulness, meaningful
work, protean career orientation, organizational wellness programs, and flourishing at work. Part IV, on “Leadership and Wellbeing,” goes into positive manager behavior, servant leadership, and
coping with work-related stress. The single chapter comprising Part V discusses integrating work and personal life. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (