China’s Disruptors: How Alibaba, Xiaomi, Tencent, and Other Companies are Changing the Rules of Business

China’s Disruptors: How Alibaba, Xiaomi, Tencent, and Other Companies are Changing the Rules of Business
NT $ 416
  • 作者:Edward Tse
  • 出版社:Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
  • 出版日期:2015-07-14
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1591848334
  • ISBN13:9781591848332
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 272頁 / 15.24 x 22.86 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  過去20年,前所未有的創業熱潮,已將中國從一封閉、計畫經濟體系,轉為世界經濟強權。但中國崛起,對全球政經究竟有何意義?知名策略顧問專家,同時也是本書作者Edward Tse,運用其在中國20年的第一手工作經驗,再加上獨家專訪與案例探討,深度解析中國企業最令世人好奇的秘密:

  • 中國文化如何形塑這些企業的發展策略?其他企業是否也能複製這些經驗?
  • 資本企業如何在共產體制內存活甚至茁壯?為何騰訊總裁馬化騰能在身為全國人大代表的同時,還能經營線上遊戲與社群網路的龍頭公司?
  • 中國企業大肆購併全球企業之舉,將會對世界經濟帶來什麼威脅?

  An inside look at the game-changing men and women behind Alibaba, Baidu, and other rapidly emerging Chinese companies.

  Over the last two decades, Chinese entrepreneurs have launched 40 million businesses, an astounding feat in a country that was hostile to private enterprise for decades. Some of those startups have now become world-class giants, such as Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group, China’s top internet company, which recently had the largest IPO in history. Others include Pony Ma’s online games and messaging business, Tencent, which is now the world’s third largest internet company, and Ren Zhengfei’s Huawei Technologies, the world’s leading manufacturer of telecom network equipment.

  Edward Tse uses his expertise and exclusive access to show what’s really going on with these and other Chinese powerhouses, such as Lei Jun’s Xiaomi, maker of “low-cost, suspiciously iPhone-like smartphones,” and Robin Li’s Baidu, often called the Google of China. Tse delves deeply into case studies of these leading Chinese companies, and shows what makes them so innovative and worthy of study by businesspeople around the world.

  These success stories create a mixture of fear, anxiety, and intrigue for the international business community. Will Chinese entrepreneurs eventually overtake the world’s largest companies? How should their competitors respond to them in productive ways? Is it possible to compete with them in global markets while working with them on global issues? Tse answers these and many other important questions.



  EDWARD TSE is the founder and CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a global strategy consulting firm, and the former chairman for Greater China of Booz & Company. He has helped hundreds of multinational and Chinese companies develop and apply their strategies. He has worked with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Chinese government on issues related to state-owned enterprise reform. He has also contributed to prominent publications such as Harvard Business Review, strategy + business, Hong Kong Economic Times, and China Entrepreneur.
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