Emily Dickinson: A User’s Guide
$3,373 -
The Apollonia Poems
$523 -
Homenaje al camino
$628 -
Little Kisses
$630 -
$630 -
The Matrix: Poems 1960-1970
$700 -
The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded: Poems
$558 -
Vivas to Those Who Have Failed: Poems
$558 -
Standing Water: Poems
$490 -
Late in the Empire of Men
$558 -
Emily Dickinson: A User’s Guide
$1,348 -
$1,400 -
Más rojo bajo el sol
$768 -
The Last Troubadour: New and Selected Poems
$910 -
Flowers of Anti-Martyrdom
$770 -
Our Miss Brooks
$805 -
Fish Singing Foxes
$945 -
The Flayed City
$593 -
The Sea Is a Continual Miracle: Sea Poems and Other Writings by Walt Whitman
$698 -
Mean/Time: Poems