2013年,美學生活誌Kinfolk發行第一本專書《The Kinfolk Table》(中譯本:KINFOLK餐桌:獻給生活中的每一場小聚會),創辦人奈森.威廉斯(Nathan Williams)以「慢活」這個獨特生活美學為主軸,與讀者分享一場場靜謐的餐桌時光,體驗悠閒氛圍,並帶領全球讀者創造一個完美、舒適的生活空間。
2015年,Kinfolk改由「家」這個切點,從美國、斯堪地那維亞到日本,帶領讀者漫遊全球35個「家」。這些家,有些是從藍圖階段開始就精心打造的現代化城市家庭,有些則是在悠久歷史中孕育成長的家。Kinfolk以精緻的照片,輔以細膩的訪談以及隨筆,將漫遊35個「家」的旅程,轉化為一次次充滿靈感啟發的深度之旅。(文/ 博客來編譯)
When The Kinfolk Table was published in 2013, it transformed the way readers across the globe thought about small gatherings. In this much-anticipated follow-up, Kinfolk founder Nathan
Williams showcases how embracing that same ethos—of slowing down, simplifying your life, and cultivating community—allows you to create a more considered, beautiful, and intimate living
The Kinfolk Home takes readers inside 35 homes around the world, from the United States, Scandinavia, Japan, and beyond. Some have constructed modern urban homes from blueprints, while others
nurture their home’s long history. What all of these spaces have in common is that they’ve been put together carefully, slowly, and with great intention. Featuring inviting photographs and
insightful profiles, interviews, and essays, each home tour is guaranteed to inspire.