Let’s Cook Italian, a Family Cookbook: Cuciniamo Italiano, Un ricettario di famiglia

Let’s Cook Italian, a Family Cookbook: Cuciniamo Italiano, Un ricettario di famiglia
NT $ 770


"A tavola non si invecchia." Or, "At the table with good friends and family you do not become old."

Kids Cook Italian, by chef Anna Prandoni, is a fun, interactive cookbook for kids that introduces them to the art and joy of cooking. It gets them interested in making their own meals and better eating habits, while also teaching them the importance of culture. Featuring classic, simple dishes inspired by Italian cuisine, each recipe is shown in both Italian and English and accompanied by charming illustrations. With an emphasis on fresh ingredients and hands-on preparation with family activities, dishes include traditional starters, main courses, and desserts. Your child’s creativity will be sparked, as will your deeper connection with them - so, get them in that kitchen and start playing chef. Who knows - you might have the next great Italian cuisine Chef standing next to you!

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