Small Garden Ideas for Growing Vegetables: An Introduction to No-Dig Gardening Techniques Including Raised Bed Gardening, Square

Small Garden Ideas for Growing Vegetables: An Introduction to No-Dig Gardening Techniques Including Raised Bed Gardening, Square
NT $ 425
  • 作者:Norman J.Stone
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2014-09-09
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1502314711
  • ISBN13:9781502314710
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 15.2 x 22.2 x 0.6 cm / 普通級


Container Gardening Discount Bundle: ** NOW NUMBER 1 BEST SELLER! ** Introducing The Container GardenNot everyone has the luxury of a large garden in which to grow vegetables or fruit – even flowers if that is your heart’s desire!By employing these container gardening methods however, you too can enjoy the fruits of your labours as you grow your own Tomatoes or vegetables (Tomatoes are classed as a fruit) in confined spaces either within the home or indeed outside on the patio.What is included in this Container Gardening BundleThis gardening bundle includes two books – Vegetable Container Gardening and Tomato Container Gardening. Between them, they cover the many aspects and advantages of growing vegetables – including tomatoes! – in confined spaces.Container Gardening is very similar to Raised Bed Gardening, in that you are growing in confined spaces. Many of the same principles apply with regard to growing compost, or pest control for instance. Perhaps one of the main advantages that container gardening has over the raised bed concept; is that you can (generally) move around your containers so that they can take most advantage from the suns position.As these two books overlap on some subject matters, it is inevitable that some of the same material may well be partially repeated throughout this work. What has to be Borne in mind with this collection – as with most book bundle’s – is that this is a collection of stand-alone gardening books, and so will cover the aspects needed to complete the individual books. However it is intended that the amount of new material included in the individual books, as well as the greatly reduced price compared to purchasing them individually, will make up for this in some measure.
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