This collection of recent work builds on the ideas of Donald Lateiner, author of The Sardonic Smile and an expert in the study of nonverbal behavior in the Homeric epics. Contributors come from
the fields of classics, classics studies, and history, examining genres such as historiography, epic, tragedy, philosophy, and vase decoration. A special effort has been made to make the book
accessible to advanced undergraduate students, with English translations of all passages and plain language interpretation and discussion. Some specific topics addressed include verbal
behavioral in the Iliad, shipwreck narratives in Homer’s Odyssey and Coetzee’s Foe, and nonverbal behavior in Seneca’s Phaedra. The book is for scholars studying ancient Greek and Roman society
and literature, and those studying the imitation of ancient literature in later societies. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (