Since the appearance of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of National Anthems in 2003, many new events and situations have radically redrawn the political boundaries of the world map and
redefined the policies and goals of individual nation-states from Nepal to Afghanistan, Mozambique to Montenegro. All of these shifts have entailed the creation or adoption of new anthems or
the modification of existing ones. This revised and expanded edition of the Encyclopedia of National Anthems not only makes thelong-overdue updates to the national anthems of the world but also
improves upon the quality and accuracy of the music sheets and historical backgrounds through consultation with a greater number and wider variety of source materials. Every political entity
with non-Latin script now has its original lyrics documented in the book, while English translations have been modified to better express meaning and intent. Flags and maps have been added to
the country fact sheets to provide a visual complement to the text. In addition to current sovereign countries, this edition includes in separate sections the anthems of international
organizations; of Kosovo, South Ossetia, and other non-UN states; and of extinct countries, such as the former Soviet Union and East Germany. This collection does not adhere to any political
stance but instead reflects the contested and complicated nature of the modern nation-state, whose boundaries remain fluid and ever subject to change. This new edition of the Encyclopedia of
National Anthems is an indispensable reference source for students and academic scholars for school projects and academic research initiatives. Libraries will find the new edition a valuable
addition to their collections, as will government and diplomatic missions requiring a handy reference for international exchange. For the casual reader, this compilation also provides a wealth
of resources that both inform and entertain. - Publisher.