Full-Charge Bookkeeping: For the Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Bookkeeper

Full-Charge Bookkeeping: For the Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Bookkeeper
NT $ 808
  • 作者:DecandiaNick J.
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2012-07-05
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1477489118
  • ISBN13:9781477489116
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 21.6 x 27.9 x 1.3 cm / 普通級


Get the premier "how to" book on bookkeeping, written by a nationally published CPA, with extensive bookkeeping, corporate and public accounting experience!This how to book on bookkeeping: *Covers all the Tasks [like Accounts Payable (A/P), Accounts Receivable (A/R), Payroll, Payroll Taxes, Financial Statements, Year-End Items...].*Covers all Topics (like Insurance, Industry specifics...). *Includes Checklists (like the New Job Checklist & the Master Calendar).*Includes All Forms a Bookkeeper Might Need (like Petty Cash Receipts, Record Retention Form, etc.). Book = 112 pages in 12 Chapters & 8 Appendices, 8.5" x 11"What is a full-charge bookkeeper? A full-charge bookkeeper performs all of the bookkeeping tasks of any small business, including payroll taxes and monthly financial statements, with little or no supervision. About the only thing ’outsourced’ is the corporate taxes - typically to a CPA.This book is written as a "manual" - walking you through each step of each task.Even covers topics like:*Breaking Into This Field of Money Handling,*Questions to Ask During The Job Interview,*Getting Organized When Hired,*New Job Checklist.- -CERTIFICATION:Consider taking it to the next level. Become a "Certified Full-Charge Bookkeeper"!>Benefits of Certification:*Title that garners attention.*List on your resume’.*Independent verification of your Certification for potential employers, via the websites: www.full-chargebookkeeping.com and www.full-chargebookkeeper.com.Note: independent verification is available for CPA’s (visit the author’s CPA Verification page at: www.njdCPA.com).*Certificate, suitable for framing (parallels CPAs).*Wallet card (also parallels CPAs).*Confidence to know your knowledge is where you want it to be.>Cost: $45 for on-line exam. >Visit: www.Full-ChargeBookkeepING.com/Certification or www.Full-ChargeBookkeepER.com/Certification.>Note: the Appendices ARE subject to testing. And you’ll find a Study Outline for the Appendices (free of charge on the Resources & Links page of www.full-chargebookkeepING.com) (3rd item down).www.Full-ChargeBookkeeping.comwww.Full-ChargeBookkeeper.comDen Publishing CompanyIt’s Amazing What You Can Accomplish In A Den!Our Pledge: The Best Products At The Lowest Prices Possible, With Outstanding Customer Service.
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