2 Billion Under 20: How Millennials Are Breaking Down Age Barriers and Changing the World

2 Billion Under 20: How Millennials Are Breaking Down Age Barriers and Changing the World
NT $ 910


"Of the roughly 6.97 billion people on Earth today, approximately 2 billion of them are under 20 years old. Millennials have a lot of reputations these days, but powerful, smart, and affective are not usually the adjectives used to describe them. Jared Kleinert and Stacey Ferreira want to change that and empower these young people to follow their dreams, set goals, and achieve success. Both young successful entrepreneurs themselves, they believe in breaking down age barriers to make a difference. Jared, best-known as the Founder and CEO of Synergist, and Stacey, best-known as the Co-Founder of MySocialCloud.com met in 2012 at the Under 20 Thiel Fellowship Summit. After speaking with their equally impressive peers, they realized that these 2 billion youngvoices have inspiring stories to share with the world and they wanted to bring them to life through 2 Billion Under 20. Jared and Stacey also decided to start an online community, www.2BillionUnder20.com where young people could help each other grow anddevelop their dreams into reality. They’ve curated an anthology of amazing stories from their peers. Contributors like Paige McKenzie who started her own YouTube channel at the age of 16 that now has more than 55 million views and Jack Andraka who created an early detection Pancreatic cancer test at age 14 have joined forces to show the world that age is just a number"--
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