Nonprofit Organizations and the State: Collaboration and Governance
$2,698 -
Financial Markets and Institutions
$3,330 -
International Networking for Development
$2,428 -
Globality: Competing With Everyone from Everywhere for Everything
$524 -
Financial Markets and Institutions
$9,000 -
T.h.i.n.k. More: The Key to Business Communication Success
$593 -
Yes or No: The Way to Make the Right Decisions--At Work and in Life
$455 -
Industrial Innovation in China: Emerging Challenges and New Issues
$6,750 -
International Fraud Handbook: Prevention and Detection
$3,825 -
Decision-making for a New World: Natural Laws of Evolution and Competition As a Road Map to Revolutionary New Management
$3,105 -
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN CHINA: Law, Governance Andaccountability in
$4,950 -
It’s Not Just Who You Know: Transform Your Life (And Your Organization) by Turning Colleagues and Contacts into Lasting, Genuine
$490 -
Shareholder Activism: A Practitioner’s Handbook
$5,175 -
How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit World by 2050
$698 -
Impact Economy: Beyond Profit and Philanthropy
$2,023 -
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance: Interest Rates and Inflation Indexed Derivatives
$2,925 -
Doing Business in 21st-century India: How to Profit Today in Tomorrow’s Most Exciting Market
$595 -
Solidaristic Wages Policy: The European Experience
$6,300 -
Against Non-governmental Organizations?: A Critical Perspective on Their Management
$7,200 -
Andrews Mcmeel Universal: An Oral History