Where Do the Highest Percentage of 90 Year-Olds On Earth Live? Where do people enjoy a 20% reduction in cancer rates, a 50% reduction in heart disease, and enjoy practically no dementia?You
probably suspect that place is the Mediterranean and you’re right! Why? You also probably suspect or have heard that it has been directly linked by scientists and researchers to...yep...the
diet. It is far simpler to take control of your weight and total health by eating delicious, easy to prepare foods that you and your family love. The key to a healthy and vital life is to enjoy
nutritious, real, and great tasting food. The classic Mediterranean cuisine has been providing energy, vitality, and longevity to the people of that part of the world for centuries. And guess
what? All the food they consume is readily available to you which means that their healthy lifestyle is as well. Change the way you think about food. Prepare and eat food mindfully. You will
absolutely be amazed by the creative, unique, fun, and EASY meal ideas that you find in this book of recipes. "Cooking is like Love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." -
Harriet Van Horne "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin