Swedish Details

Swedish Details
NT $ 1,097



  一棟房子的組成元素除了房間與傢俱外,還有琳瑯滿目、形形色色的各種物品,為平凡生活增添趣味。插畫家Annika與攝影師先生Ulf Huett在環遊瑞典的途中,經常拜訪各地人士,用鏡頭與文字記錄他們的住家內外,試圖透過日常用品拼湊出多元豐富的北歐居家樣貌。

  踏進陌生人家中,作者發現從廚房擁擠的櫥櫃到衛生紙架、植栽到衣架等的擺放、使用痕跡,以及廚房、浴室、小孩房到玄關的佈置裝飾,點點滴滴的細節都顯露出物品經過使用後的溫度與使用者的個性,亦可一窺主人對「家」的心思。書中有寬闊的地景廣角照片,也有近距離對擺飾的特寫,或許空間裡不見最前衛的設計名品,卻有最樸實單純的小物讓你體會瑞典人滿溢的溫暖與惜物的情感。本書收錄大量繽紛圖片,在歐洲上市後大受讀者歡迎,2015年終於推出英文版。 (文/ 博客來編譯)

  A home isn't simply the sum of its rooms and furniture, but also a number of larger or smaller details. To prove this, illustrator Annika Huett and photographer Ulf Huett Nilsson went on a journey from the north to the south of Sweden, peeking into people's homes. What they found was an inspiring myriad of personal details-from cramped shelves of kitchen cupboards, to toilet-paper holders, plants, outlets and coat hangers. The pair organized their book by rooms-kitchens, bedrooms, children's rooms, bathrooms and entryways-so it's easy to flip to a section to glean inspiration for one's own home decoration scheme.

  With a range of photos, from large landscapes capturing entire rooms, to small close-ups of the little knickknacks one might normally overlook, the volume establishes an aesthetic uniquely Swedish and welcoming in its personality and warmth. The details captured are neither new nor expensive, nor are they the fashion-inspired, cutting-edge design that has come to characterize some corners of Scandinavia. Instead, they are personal, homey and almost impossible to replicate-and it is these qualities that make this compilation such a quirky delight.

  In Swedish Details, Huett and Huett Nilsson not only shine a light on the smaller things, but also document the details that create the difference between a space and a home.
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