Juliet’s Answer: One Man’s Search for Love and the Elusive Cure for Heartbreak
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Birds and Other Creatures in Renaissance Literature: Shakespeare, Descartes, and Animal Studies
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The Comedy of Errors
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Othello’s Secret: The Cyprus Problem
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Shakespeare: Becoming Human
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Coleridge: Lectures on Shakespeare (1811-1819)
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Shakespeare, Cinema, Counter-Culture: Appropriation and Inversion
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Shakespeare and National Identity: A Dictionary
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Shakespeare’s Money: How Much Did He Make and What Did This Mean?
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Shakespeare: A Complete Introduction
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Shakespeare and Gesture in Practice: Shakespeare in Practice
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Shakespeare Between Machiavelli and Hobbes: Dead Body Politics
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No Hamlets: German Shakespeare from Nietzsche to Carl Schmitt
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Shakespearean Criticism: Criticism of William Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Eva
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Shakespeare: The Riddle of Genius
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Queer Philologies: Sex, Language, and Affect in Shakespeare’s Time
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A Smidgeon of Shakespeare
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Shakespeare’s Strangest Tales: Extraordinary but True Tales from 400 Years of Shakespearean Theatre
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The Text, the Play, and the Globe: Essays on Literary Influence in Shakespeare’s World and His Work in Honor of Charles R. Forke
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Shakespeare’s Creative Legacies: Artists, Writers, Performers, Readers