"This book provides a comprehensive reference to state of the art zero bound term structure modeling in an applied setting. Based on the author’s practical experience in the field, it covers
tractable frameworks, macroeconomic foundations for ZLB models,and applications in the field of macro-finance. Split into seven chapters with two appendices, the book first provides an
introduction to the principles of term structure modeling, its application to macro-finance and monetary policy, and the complications introduced by the ZLB for nominal interest rates. The
following chapters focus on developing unique frameworks to better evaluate ZLB interest rates and bond prices. Finally, the book looks at applications in the field, such as monitoring the
stance ofunconventional monetary policy and managing fixed income portfolio risk. This book will be an essential desk reference for central bankers, market practitioners, and researchers, and
will be a must-read for anyone involved in bond portfolio pricing, riskmanagement, and macroeconomic and monetary policy analysis"--