"Perry’s Department Store: A Buying Simulation bridges the gap between the principles of retail buying and mathematical concepts using a unique simulation approach that takes readers
step-by-step through a real-life buying experience. Videtic and Steele present a simplified process for making complex buying decisions using the fictitious Perry’s Department Store that walks
students through the steps a new buyer would take to complete a six-month buying plan and a merchandise assortment plan for categories including junior, misses’ bridge/contemporary, men’s,
children’s, denim, accessories, or home fashion.The fourth edition has been revised with statistical information to reflect a more contemporary structure and business model for a successful
department store.The new Perry’s Department Store is organized to reflect a larger-scale department store in today’s market. Students interact by researching current market and industry trends
to build their business. The charts and forms in this book and companion website are replicas of those found in the retail and wholesale industry to expose student to the procedures and
policies they can expect to find in a first job as an assistant buyer. This new edition and companion website launches students directly into the exciting role of a retail buyer in the fashion