Early ReviewsKelsey Humphreys has written an entertaining, inspiring, and practical guide for aspiring solo entrepreneurs. If you’re asking yourself, "Do I have what it takes to go solo? How do
I do it?" you need to read this book!Barbara Corcoran, ABC’s Shark Tank, author Shark Tales, and real estate mogul"Life is too long to stay stuck! If you want to know how to hustle and do work
that matters, listen to Kelsey!"Jon Acuff, New York Times Best Selling Author of StartBook DescriptionHave you been waiting to leave your suffocating day job? Have you been wondering if you
should turn your side hustle or hobby into your own business? Have you struggled with how or when to launch? Go Solo has your answers. First, Humphreys tackles how to know you’re picking the
right business for you. This book is not about start ups, apps, or making easy money online. This book is perfect for the aspiring freelancer, writer, designer, consultant, coach, photographer,
counselor, event planner, interior designer or decorator, software developer, crafter or blogger, even plumbers, builders, realtors and developers, or insurance agents. This book is for you if
you ARE your brand or want to become your own brand, long to live on your own terms and do work that really matters, all with little overhead. Starting the journey from employee to owner brings
up a lot of questions. Go Solo will answer:As an entrepreneur with many passions and strengths, How do you know you’ve chosen the right passion? How can you be sure you’ll be great at what you
choose?Once you choose the absolute best business for you, how do you start and gain momentum while you are still employed? How can you position yourself so your ideal clients and customers,
and a possible Big Break Out Opportunity, can easily find you?Lastly, when should you launch? What should you name your business? How do you market effectively as a solopreneur with no big
office or employees? As Associate Creative Director at one of the biggest and best agencies in Oklahoma, Humphreys enjoyed her job but “felt like I was meant to be doing something else,
something more. I felt listless and anxious, so I started to prepare for my journey, which eventually led to starting my own business with an international first client.” Don’t wait until
someone else lands that big client that would have been a perfect first client for you. Don’t wait until someone else launches a product that you thought of two years ago! You were not created
to build someone else’s dream at the expense of your own. You can make a difference in this world while also achieving success and freedom. You can start from home and use simple strategies
while still employed to make your departure faster than ever. By the end of this book, you’ll have a mission, vision, plan and marketing strategy. You will enjoy passion-filled days and know
that every ounce of effort actually affects your bottom line. You will be impacting lives and serving others with your unique talents. You will be totally set up for solopreneur success!