Updated to include new “hands-free” technique.All too often we associate no-knead bread with the round “boule”, but no-knead dough can be baked in a variety of shapes. This cookbook explores
the options. It takes the world’s easiest bread recipe (4 ingredients... no mixer... no kneading... no yeast proofing) and discussed how to bake a large and small boule, tall and low profile
boule, oval, rectangular, and long... well, you get the picture. This cookbook discusses how to use the baking vessel to shape your loaf. One recipe... lots of options... It will expand the
world of no-knead bread making, stimulate your imagination, and please your pallet.Cookbook discusses… Ingredients, Technique & Tips, “Degas, Pull & Stretch”, “Roll to Coat”, Equipment
& Bakeware, etc. followed by the basic no-knead bread recipes using an assortment of baking vessels.Dutch oven - Standard Boule (5 qt Dutch Oven), Large Boule (4 qt Cast Iron Braiser),
Plump Boule (3 qt Cast Iron Dutch Oven), Plump Boule (2.6 qt Ceramic Dutch Oven), Oval Loaf (3 qt Cast Iron Casserole), & Eggplant Shaped Loaf (2.25 qt Cast Iron Casserole Dish).Bread
Bakers - Long Loaf (Long Covered Baker) and Boule (Bread Dome) without preheating the baking vessel… adjusting baking time and temperature.CorningWare - Boule (2-1/2 qt Round Entrée Baker),
Rectangular Loaf (2-1/2 qt Oblong Baker), and Oblong Loaf (2-1/2 qt Oblong Casserole Dish).I think you’ll find the cookbook interesting.Thanks - Steve