The Childhood of a Muslim Girl Growing Up in Pre-Independent Tunisia: A Translation from French into English of Les Jardins du N
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Committed to Disillusion: Activist Writers in Egypt from the 1960s - 1980s
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Green in Black-and-White Times: Conversations With Douglas Livingstone
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Learning Zulu: A Secret History of Language in South Africa
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May Their Shadows Never Shrink: Wole Soyinka and the Oxford Professorship of Poetry
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Handbuch Literatur & Emotionen
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Serious Fiction: J.M. Coetzee and the Stakes of Literature
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Shakespeare in Swahililand: In Search of a Global Poet
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All the Good Things Around Us: An Anthology of African Short Stories
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Society, Women and Literature in Africa
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Commerce With the Universe: Africa, India, and the Afrasian Imagination
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The Art of Survival: Depictions of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean in Crisis
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Postapartheid Literature: Mourning and the Reinvention of Community
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Receptions of the Classics in the African Diaspora of the Hispanophone and Lusophone Worlds: Atlantis Otherwise
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Art and Ritual in the Black Diaspora: Archetypes of Transition
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In Search of the Afropolitan: Encounters, Conversations, and Contemporary Diasporic African Literature
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Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary
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Narrating the Nation in the African Novel: Chinua Achebe, Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, Ayi Kwei Armah and Kofi Awoonor
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A Companion to Mia Couto
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The Slow Philosophy of J. M. Coetzee