"The growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) has led to renewed attention to the relationship between businesses and key stakeholders, such as NGOs or local communities.
Curiously, however, one societal actor - trade unions - is largelymissing from such discussions, while the employment relations (ER) literature seldom engages with the concept. This situation
is all the more remarkable since - at least in continental Europe - unions have traditionally played a prominent role in defending the interests of one key stakeholder, the employee. Written by
dedicated experts in their field, this book addresses a key gap in both the CSR and ER literatures, namely trade union policies towards CSR as well as their engagement with particular CSR
initiatives and the challenges they face in doing so. The research covers 12 European countries, which, when taken together, constitute a representative sample of industrial relations
structures across the continent. This book will be essential reading forscholars and students of international business, employment relations, public policy and CSR"--