★ 金球獎最佳女主角、奧斯卡影后入圍艾美亞當斯,突破形象詮釋名畫家內心糾結情感
★ 坎城影帝、奧斯卡最佳男配角克里斯多夫華茲精湛演出
★ 強勢問鼎2015年奧斯卡金像獎
Big Eyes is the new movie from iconic filmmaker Tim Burton. Re-teaming with the writers of Ed Wood, Burton returns to the biopic genre by telling the story of Margaret and Walter Keane, and
their beautiful and melancholy ‘big eyes’ paintings.
This companion book features behind the scenes images detailing everything from costume design to cinematography, and original interviews explore the making of the movie all the way from
script to final cut. Also featured is a gallery of Margaret Keane’s work.