德國以出版設計書知名的出版社gestalten於2014年首度跨入童書出版創作,首發的童書即以《Puss In Boots》及《Little Red Riding
Almost everyone knows the cunning, boot-wearing feline who helps a poor miller achieve a life of riches. In this edition of the brothers Grimm fairytale, the classic story is given an added
dimension. Because the book can be completely unfolded, its cut-out illustrations can be projected as shadows onto walls and experienced in an entirely new way. Each page reveals another step
in the process by which the sly cat changes the future of his master for the better. All of the key scenes are depicted by an image packed with detail and fantasy—the purchase of the boots, the
transformation of the evil magician into a mouse, the happy-end castle wedding of the miller and the princess. These illustrations not only give a contemporary look to the 200-year-old
narrative, but they can also be transformed into a dancing play of shadows when held in front of a light. In this way, the cut-outs truly make the story come alive for its young readers.