The Enigma( The Imitation Game)

The Enigma( The Imitation Game)
NT $ 384
  • 作者:Andrew Hodges
  • 出版社:Random House UK
  • 出版日期:2014-11-14
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1784700088
  • ISBN13:9781784700089
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版




  二次大戰期間,納粹德軍發明了當時最安全的通訊安全裝置「Enigma code」(謎),這能加速德軍將機密文件以亂碼發送出去,而當時同盟國束手無策,全世界的希望只仰賴在一個人的身上,他就是英國知名天才數學家,也被稱為「電腦科學之父」的亞倫‧圖靈。



  2009年英國首相布朗代替英國政府對圖靈案一事發表了官方道歉聲明,而英國女王在他過世多年後正式赦免他的「罪行」。 (文/博客來編譯)

  The official book behind the film, The Imitation Game, this is a dramatic portrayal of the life and work of Alan Turing, one of Britain's most extraordinary unsung heroes, and one of the world's greatest innovators.

  This is the official story that has inspired the British film, The Imitation Game, a nail-biting race against time following Alan Turing, the pioneer of modern-day computing and credited with cracking the German Enigma code, and his brilliant team at Britain's top-secret code-breaking centre, Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II. Turing, whose contributions and genius significantly shortened the war, saving thousands of lives, was the eventual victim of an unenlightened British establishment, but his work and legacy live on.

  Prime Minister Gordon Brown released a statement of apology in 2009 on behalf of the British government for the "appalling" treatment of Turing.
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