Organization Design and Engineering: Co-Existence, Co-Operation or Integration

Organization Design and Engineering: Co-Existence, Co-Operation or Integration
NT $ 5,175


"In spite of the substantial contributions made by the information systems discipline over the last three or four decades, the problem of the integration between the social and the technological infrastructures in organizations are still far from being solved. All one needs to do is to think of the number of mishaps, failures and accidents in organizational settings due to information technology/systems, still happening in this second decade of the 2000s. The key aim of the volume of original papers on the theory and practice of ODE featured in Organization Design and Engineering is to contribute towards overcoming the academic challenges stated above. A secondary aim is to launch the debate about ODE, including whether or not the debate itself is warranted. All of the authors have a substantial track record of research and publishing in information systems (understood as a hybrid discipline sitting at the interface between organization science and computer engineering). The book is a contribution to thediscipline of information systems, but also as landmark to be used by both researchers and practitioners in developing a future where the social and the technological infrastructures of organizations are designed (i.e. conceived, implemented and maintained) in fully integrated ways"--
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