A truth-sayer’s guide to assessing one’s entrepreneurial aptitude, written for anyone seriously considering starting a business of any kind.
Most entrepreneur guides focus on the mechanics of raising capital, drafting a business plan, and handling licensing, but they overlook the serious self-reflection that is required in the
decision to launch a business. And most of the literature is obsessed with success stories, while ignoring the much more illuminating and instructional lessons that can be learned from
failure. Featuring interviews and anecdotes from the author’s nearly 20 years as an entrepreneur,The Little Black Book of Entrepreneurship identifies the 14 Key Failure Factors that
every aspiring entrepreneur should be aware of before signing the papers.
"Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of any economy, and yet over 90 percent of new entrepreneurial ventures fail. By forewarning would-be entrepreneurs about the 14 causes of failure, this
book’s thoughtful dose of reality will raise the quality of entrepreneurship by deterring misguided ventures and increasing the number of informed, successful start-ups." —Philip Kotler,
author ofPrinciples of Marketing and Marketing Management