Are you a CEO, consultant or entrepreneur interested in entering or expanding your activity in Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines’s market? Then this book is for you! The main objective of this
book is to provide you with basic knowledge about Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines; an overview of their economy, business culture, potential opportunities and an introduction to other
relevant issues. Novice exporters, in particular will find it a useful starting point. Thailand is well placed to offer a gateway to both the ASEAN and Asia-Pacific markets, particularly India
and China, many of which offer great business potential; on the other hand Vietnam borders China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west and South China to the east. It has the
third-largest population in South-East Asia, over half of which is below the age of 30; while Philippines, boasts a literacy rate of 94.6 per cent among the highest in the region has a highly
skilled and educated workforce.