Travelers Series Guide to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea - 2nd Edition is a Comprehensive Guide to the Tokyo Disney Resort. "Travelers Series Guide to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea
- 2nd Edition" is a must-have for anyone who plans to visit Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, or for the Disney fan who simply wants to learn more about these great parks." This guide
includes: * Overviews and ratings of all attractions, restaurants and shops in the parks * In-depth comparisons to the Disneyland Resort and the Walt Disney World Resort * Detailed directions
for getting from the airport to the parks * Reviews of all hotels at the Tokyo Disney Resort * Tips, advice and facts including: Travel Tips, Did You Know?, Tokyo Disney Fun Facts, and more
Secrets to finding over 70 Hidden Mickeys throughout the resort and parks * Tips on getting around Tokyo including basic language and communication tools TRAVELERS SERIES GUIDE TO TOKYO
DISNEYLAND AND TOKYO DISNEYSEA is the premier English-language guide to one of Disney’s true gems. This comprehensive guidebook provides a detailed review of two of the top visited theme parks
in the world: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea. Additionally, the TRAVELERS SERIES GUIDE provides insights and reviews of the Tokyo Disney Resort.