Without Footnotes: A Corporate Lawyers Anecdotal Journey

Without Footnotes: A Corporate Lawyers Anecdotal Journey
NT $ 700
  • 作者:JohnKaralis
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2009-10-19
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0984173307
  • ISBN13:9780984173303
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 普通級


Without Footnotes is a look into the multinational computer industry during the seventies through the nineties. The book features events within the computer industry in the United States, France, and Japan including the nationalization of the French computer industry, the Honeywell acquisition of General Electric’s computer business, Burroughs’ hostile takeover of Sperry to form Unisys, and Apple’s lawsuit with Microsoft over the graphic user interface. The events form the context for the stories, which contain varying blends of humor, irony, success, and failure. Many of the episodes were not directly related to the transaction du jour, but were part of the drama unfolding in and around it. Despite the nature of the transactions involved, the human factor almost always emerged, giving rise to many entertaining sideshows.
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