Lucian and His Roman Voices examines cultural exchanges, political propaganda, and religious conflicts in the Early Roman Empire through the eyes of Lucian, his contemporary Roman authors, and Christian Apologists. Offering a multi-faceted analysis of the Lucianic corpus, this book explores how Lucian, a Syrian who wrote in Greek and who became a Roman citizen, was affected by the socio-political climate of his time, reacted to it, and how he ‘corresponded’ with the Roman intelligentsia. In the process, this unique volume raises questions such as: What did the title ‘Roman citizen’ mean to native Romans and to others? How were language and literature politicized, and how did they become a means of social propaganda? This study reveals Lucian’s recondite historical and authorial personas and the ways in which his literary activity portrayed second-century reality from the perspectives of the Romans, Greeks, pagans, Christians, and citizens of the Roman Empire
The Comic Imagination in Modern African Literature and Cinema: A Poetics of Laughter
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Humor in Contemporary Junior Literature
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The Amusing Bible
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Jews and Humor
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The Laughing Librarian: A History of American Library Humor
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The Comedian As Critic: Greek Old Comedy and Poetics
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Twain’s Brand: Humor in Contemporary American Culture
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Everything You Need to Know to Survive English Class
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Women and Comedy: History, Theory, Practice
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A Christmas Garland: Woven
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De médicos, poetas, locos… y los otros
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The Humanist Comedy
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Laughter, Humor, and the Unmaking of Gender: Historical and Cultural Perspectives
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The Difference Satire Makes: Rhetoric and Reading from Jonson to Byron
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The Laughing Stalk: Live Comedy and Its Audiences
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Humor in the Caribbean Literary Canon
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At Whom Are We Laughing?: Humor in Romance Language Literatures
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We Are Not Amused: Failed Humor in Interaction
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The Amusing Bible
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Voltaire: A Very Short Introduction