The ever tighter linking of our food, water, and energy systems in the context of a changing climate is leading to increasing turbulence in the world. As a consequence, it becomes ever more
crucial to develop cities, regions, and economies with resilience in mind. Because of multinational corporations’ global reach, substantial resources, and information-driven leadership
structures, these entities can play a major, constructive role in improving our understanding and design of resilient systems.
This volume is the product of the Resilience Action Initiative, a collaboration among Dow, DuPont, IBM, McKinsey, Shell, Siemens, Swiss Re, Unilever, and Yara designed to explore possible
corporate contributions to global resilience, especially at the nexus of water, food, and energy. Aggressively forward-thinking and consistent with an enlightened self-interest, the ideas
considered here represent a corporate perspective on the broad collaborations required for a more resilient world.