
  小紅帽的故事深受世界各國小孩喜愛,幾乎每個孩子都能鉅細靡遺的告訴你小紅帽是怎麼在森林裡遇到邪惡的大野狼,大野狼又是怎麼欺騙小紅帽並把她吃掉,而最後小紅帽和奶奶又是如何在獵人的幫助下脫困。現在,法國插畫家Clementine Sourdais 賦予這個耳熟能詳的經典故事全新的視覺樣貌。此書處處充滿特殊的細節表現,鏤空的紙藝技術同時提供讀者獨特的視覺和嶄新的觸覺體驗。將此書展開,書籍立即變身為小小立體劇場,經由燈光一照,一場光與影在遊戲的《小紅帽》,精彩地呈現在小讀者面前。【文∕博客來外文館】

  Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale loved the world over. Almost every child knows the story by the Brothers Grimm of the little girl who was lured from the forest path by the evil wolf. Now, everyone can rediscover it with this enchanting little book by French illustrator Clementine Sourdais, who gives a contemporary look to this ¬traditional tale.

  Created with loving attention to detail, Sourdais’ cut-out images give the book an extraordinary haptic quality that make it a pleasure to feel and behold. Her unique settings not only make the woods, the big bad wolf, and grandmother’s house come alive on the page, but they can also be transformed into a dancing play of shadows on a wall. Held in front of a light and unfolded, this book becomes a true adventure, inviting its young readers to marvel at and experience Little Red Riding Hood’s journey in a whole new way.




  Born in 1980, Clementine Sourdais studied at the Mediterranean College of Art and Design in Marseille and theEcole nationale superiure des beaux-arts in Lyon. She has already brought her signature illustration style to several books that have been ¬published in France: Mes ¬maisons du monde (My Houses in the World), Tout sur le ¬printemps(All about Spring), and Tout sur l’ete (All about Summer). She lives and works in Lyon.
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