The Hippie Kama Sutra

The Hippie Kama Sutra
NT $ 698


Hippies may be all about free love, but there are some difficult waters to navigate when dreadlocks and unkempt beards are involved. The Hippie Kama Sutra is a helpful guide for those who are grappling with those age old questions: Where does one find great natural supplements that might also work as an aphrodisiac? How does one find a mate with similar Birkenstock preferences? Will patchouli oil hide the natural post-coital musk? All of these questions, and many more, are answered in this wonderful and unique guide. A humorous look at the harbingers of free love and a tool to help them love more freely, The Hippie Kama Sutra is perfect for the hippie in your life, or the hippie in yourself.
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