At last, here’s a confronting yet humorous look at Mom stereotypes. Think you’re not a cliché? Think again! The Mommy Mafia is a walk-through guide to every conceivable Mom type, with
each parenting style brutally revealed. Author LJ Charleston has created The Mommy Mafia as a primer to personality profiling for Moms. We all know a Boot Camp Mom, but recognizing you
are one is part of the fun of taking a light look at the toughest job in the world – being a Mom.
Olympic, Germ Phobic, Chardonnay, Runaway, Lazy, Wikipedia, or Afraid of the Sun Mom—which mother are you?
The Mommy Mafia will make you:
1. laugh and enjoy
2. gain fresh understanding
3. change your perspective of other mothers
4. make changes in your own mothering
Because The Mommy Mafia will:
1. poke fun at the mothering types
2. educate women about the different mothering types
3. reveal some of the reasons behind mothers’ behavior
4. allow mothers to recognize their own traits—good and bad—and perhaps set about “fixing” negative behavior