



  叫好又叫座的《All My Friends Are Dead》系列作者Jory John與動畫導演、同時也是童書插畫家Benji Davies攜手創作出這部瀰漫著冷調幽默的繪本,兩位主角簡短精湛的對白與教人發噱的神情,搭配出人意表的劇情轉折和暗藏玄機的圖畫細節,每次讀完都能帶著笑意酣然入眠!

  Meet Bear. He's exhausted. All he wants is to go to sleep. Meet Duck, Bear's persistent next-door neighbor. All he wants is to hang out . . . with Bear.

  Jory John, author of All My Friends Are Dead, and Benji Davies join together to create this standout hilarious picture book that will make bedtime memorable.



  Jory John occasionally has trouble sleeping due to noisy neighbors, so he knows exactly how Bear feels. Then again, sometimes he drinks too much coffee and just wants to stay up all night and hang out. So he knows exactly how Duck feels. He's coauthor of the bestselling All My Friends Are Dead and a sequel, among other humor books. This is Jory's debut picture book for children. He lives (and sleeps) in the Bay Area.

  Benji Davies is an animation director and illustrator of children's books. From a young age Benji was often found painting at the kitchen table, a scene that is still seen to this day. He has always loved drawing, and seeing his work in print and on the screen is a childhood ambition fulfilled. Benji studied animation in college and has since worked on a diverse array of projects, from picture books and animated short films to music videos, commercials, and title sequences. He lives in London with his wife, Nina.
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