Essays in Romanticism 2014
$5,400 -
Evelyn Waugh
$1,123 -
The School of Montaigne in Early Modern Europe
$9,450 -
Dickens and the Virtual City: Urban Perception and the Production of Social Space
$4,500 -
Josep Pla: Seeing the World in the Form of Articles
$3,375 -
Approaches to Teaching the Middle English Pearl
$1,800 -
Ornamental Gentlemen: Literary Antiquarianism and Queerness in British Literature and Culture, 1760-1890
$5,400 -
Tristram Shandy
$1,242 -
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
$5,400 -
Nation and Citizenship in the Twentieth-century British Novel
$1,350 -
Crossing Central Europe: Continuities and Transformations 1900-2000
$2,925 -
Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry
$4,500 -
Essays in Romanticism 2015
$5,400 -
John Masefield
$803 -
Women Writing the English Republic, 1625-1681
$5,400 -
Ukraine and Europe: Cultural Encounters and Negotiations
$4,275 -
An Essay on the Principle of Population
$1,184 -
Evelyn Waugh
$2,698 -
Revolutionary Damnation: Badiou and Irish Fiction from Joyce to Enright
$1,223 -
Literature and Sustainability: Concept, Text and Culture