Landscapes of Liminality: Between Space and Place
$6,075 -
The Tragic Imagination
$1,123 -
The Writer in the Well: On Misreading and Rewriting Literature
$3,823 -
Music As Multimodal Discourse: Semiotics, Power and Protest
$5,760 -
Energy Humanities: An Anthology
$4,498 -
Fueling Culture: 101 Words for Energy and Environment
$5,625 -
Thinking Literature Across Continents
$1,213 -
Histories of the Devil: From Marlowe to Mann and the Manichees
$4,905 -
Character and Person
$1,800 -
Biographical Fiction: A Reader
$1,798 -
Readings of Derrida
$5,400 -
Simple Forms
$4,275 -
The Naming of Adult Autism: Identity, Ambiguity and Culture
$1,573 -
Anti-book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing
$1,350 -
The Impact and Future of Arts and Humanities Research
$1,530 -
Energy Humanities: An Anthology
$2,248 -
The Value of Literature
$1,798 -
The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable
$5,625 -
Speculative Formalism: Literature, Theory, and the Critical Present
$4,498 -
Oscillations of Literary Theory: The Paranoid Imperative and Queer Reparative