In The Naked Soul ofIceberg Slim, the fierce and lyrical icon for criminal reformationdescribes himself as ill…from America’s fake façade of justice and democracy.For Iceberg Slim, the
illness may have been a detriment, but for us it’s agift. His tales serve as a chilling reminder that we are all inmates of oneprison or another, and the time to break free has arrived. Iceberg
Slim’s storyis now depicted in a major motion picture, IcebergSlim: Portrait of a Pimp, which shows his transformation from pimp to theauthor of seven classic books.Offering brutal,
difficult-to-swallow tales from theunderground, this book exposes the author’s inner workings in a way none of hisothers have, resulting in a straight-out, heartfelt confession.As if Iceberg
Slim’s charismatic words weren’t enough toevoke the essence of this time in his life-the LA underground of the 1960s-eachcharacter carries their own baggage, struggles, and influence on Slim’s
vision of the world.