"Do you yearn for more, but can’t quite put your finger on what that is? Do you strive for higher income, but at the same time sense there’s more to success than making lots of money? Do you
long to pursue your purpose in a meaningful and rewarding way? Even though you’ve already achieved a great deal, do you deeply desire, definitely deserve, and fully expect to reap even greater
financial rewards--and want to ensure you handle those financial rewards knowledgably and responsibly? Sacred Success is a groundbreaking paradigm shift that tells women, There is a better way
to achieve wealth and power: on your own terms. In her work with countless powerful, successful women over the last twenty years, bestselling author and financial educator Barbara Stanny found
that most women’s problems with money have little to do with money itself, but rather their fear of or ambivalence toward power. Instead of pushing women to pursue financial success in the
traditional fashion, Sacred Success seeks to redefine power from a feminine perspective. You can be financially successful without sacrificing your soul or compromising your values. You can
have more money, not as an end itself, but as a tool for making a difference and helping others. You can create wealth andexercise power by staying true to your feminine traits, authentic
truths, and personal mission. The ultimate goal of Sacred Success isn’t to "finish rich" (though that may be a desired outcome), but to achieve Greatness, which requires you to become
thepowerful force you were born to be. More than a financial guide, Sacred Success is a primer on power for women--a tutorial for taking charge of your life by taking charge of your finances,
and not only growing your money but creating a deeper, richer, and more meaningful life. Best described as A Course in Miracles meets the Wall Street Journal, Sacred Success gives you a proven
process that uniquely blends the practical, psychological, and spiritual work of wealth. The results may be nothing short of miraculous"--