"General Assembly offers highly immersive programs, classes, and workshops all geared towards the most timely and relevant skills of the 21st century. Widely hailed in the media (such as the
Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, ABC News, and many more), GA is seen as filling a crucial need in today’s competitive business market. The WSJ suggests that "taking courses at GA is like
skipping business school." Launched in 2011, GA has become extremely popular in a very short period of time, and has already had more than 100,000 students pass through their portals, with
thousands more signed up and ready to go. These books will, of course, will fully complement the most popular courses that are being taught by GA’s top instructors. THE TOP 5 THINGS PRODUCT
MANAGERS LEARN THE HARD WAY teaches the latest on how to see the big picture to online product managers, how to avoid the major pitfalls, how to bridge a company’s various departments together,
and how to ultimately entice and satisfy the customer’s needs.It’s the essential guide to starting, developing, and then selling a new product"--