《辛普森家庭》動畫角色設計師Liz Climo創作的插畫集,揭露動物的私密對話:看看鯨魚的煩惱、跟傘蜥蜴做朋友的好處... 每則創作都讓人嘴角上揚~
Artist Liz Climo has charmed her fans with her comic world of whimsical animal characters, where everyone from grizzly bears, dinosaurs, rabbits, and anteaters grapple with everyday life with
wit and humor. Through her comics, we discover that an armadillo can dress for Halloween, a dinosaur can be a loving parent ... and a rhino can squeeze orange juice! This new collection
features more than 100 of her comics, starring her beloved characters in all kinds of funny situations, from celebrating holidays to helping friends.