《Raw Data》一書中有豐富的工作範例,你可以從蒐集資料開始觀察這些頂尖設計師的作業流程,包括紐約時報資深設計師奈吉‧荷姆斯、甫於設計界嶄露頭角的學院新秀Fernando Hernandez與Tim
Hucklesby等,進而學習他們的訊息處理模式,以及如何運用多元的圖表來適切地表達自己的意念與想要溝通的重點。當你一旦習慣資訊圖像化的思考模式,相信無論是再複雜的議題,都能夠見招拆招,迅速抓到重點,讓難題迎刃而解!(文/ 博客來編譯)
Raw Data presents work by seventy-three of the worlds most innovative information graphics designers. Now that huge amounts of information can be gathered and processed with ever-greater
speed, graphic designers and illustrators are playing a crucial role in explaining what all the collected data really means and how we can make sense of it to improve our personal and
professional lives. More than just a survey of finished work, Raw Data gets behind the final image to reveal how a stack of numbers can be transformed into a beautiful image rich with meaning
and explanation. Among the international practices included are those who have been leading the way in the infographics revolution (Nigel Holmes, The New York Times ), along with a new
generation of designers only just emerging from university (Fernando Hernandez, Tim Hucklesby).