Sebastiao Salgado: From My Land to the Planet

Sebastiao Salgado: From My Land to the Planet
NT $ 932
  • 作者:Sebastiao Salgado
  • 出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd
  • 出版日期:2014-10-06
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:8869655377
  • ISBN13:9788869655371
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 196頁 / 15.8 x 22.8 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版


  Sebastiao Salgados photographs have been shown around the world. In From my land to the Planet the photographer tells us the story of his most famous reportages: from the black and white portraits of unknown men and women, workers or refugees, to the more recent Genesis project, a portrait of the most incontaminated places of our planet. With a kindness and a disarming simplicity, Salgado rebuilds his path, exposes his beliefs, makes us witnesses of his emotions. In this volume his talent as a storyteller and the authenticity of a man who knows how to combine activism and professionalism, talent and generosity, clearly emerge. The reader will discover fascinating stories of every corner of the world, both near and remote, from Africa to the Americas, and then again the birth of the Instituto Terra, of the Genesis project, of Magnum Photos and Amazonas Images.
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