""Whether you need a total career makeover or just a little refining around the edges, [Kaputa] will show you how to get ahead while staying true to yourself. Empowering, insightful, and fun to
read."-Clinton Kelly, co-host, TLC’s What Not to WearBy the author of the bestsellers You Are a Brand and Breakthrough Branding, an up-to-date guide for women who want to get ahead in the
business world. Just as individual strengths are based on who we are as people, gender-based strengths for women are essential assets of the female brand. Out of this provocative and
challenging assertion, Women Who Brand delivers the very latest in gender research into the female brain to debunk the notion that women have to play the male game to win.Catherine Kaputa is
founder and president of SelfBrand, a brand strategy and business coaching company. A bestselling author and twenty-year veteran of branding and advertising on Madison Avenue, Wall Street, and
in academia, Kaputa has been a marketing and advertising executive at well-known New York ad agencies, where she worked on the iconic I?NY campaign, as well as taught at the Stern School of
Business, New York University. She has been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, and MSNBC, in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, USA Today, and Fortune, and was a "Cool Friend" on