This book is a brief and straightforward explanation of the grammar and semantics of English. It attempts to show how speakers and writers can use English to describe what they know, see and
feel about the world in general as well as showing how people use English to interact and manage each other.Grammatical terms are defined based on traditional grammar influenced by some of the
concepts of Functional grammar. In particular the transitivity of the verb is treated both in terms of how the subject and object relate to the verb as well as to the the role of the
participants in various kinds of process. For those readers who are continuing their study of English, terms used in the text such as the present continuous or past perfect will already be
familiar. The book is rich in illustrations and colour photographs and graphical devices are used throughout to help explain the concepts such as mood, tense and, modality. Graphics too are
used to show how we talk about the things around us regarding their nature and physical properties and their measurement. Synonymy and hyponymy is studied to show how we express our perception
of things in relation to each other.In later chapters with the aid of graphical devices, we look at how pronouns, the definite article and lexis bring cohesion to texts. This book will be
helpful to anyone who is studying English for interest and to enhance their awareness of grammar and semantics. Trainee teachers of English will also find this book useful.